Finding and Building your Roundnet Club
Roundnet is growing all around the world. Most people play socially or recreationally in backyards or at the beach. We love that!
Some people like us have found more than a great game to play with friends, we've found our sport.
The Australian Roundnet Association aims to support grassroots players through to the elite Australian squad. We do this by supporting our clubs and running tournaments in cities that don't yet have a club structure in place.
Our sport is strongest when athletes, supporters and enthusiasts are connected with their local clubs so we encourage you to connect with one of our three major clubs, or with a community in other places around Australia via the links at the bottom :)
Find Your Local Roundnet Community
We know that our three major clubs don't reach everyone in Australia. So we've also set up a Roundnet Community Group for each state and territory to provide a place to meet other players in your state. Many people have joined a Facebook Group and then connected into their local playing communities.
We hope you do too.
Click your state logo below and and join the group. Meet new players, host a pickup game and get active!