World Championships 2024

Points, Rankings & Qualifications for world's

Road to Worlds

In 2024 the International Roundnet Federation will present the Roundnet World Championship. It will be hosted by Roundnet Great Britain at the state-of-the-art Surrey Sports Park.

For only the second time ever we will see over 30 countries come together for the biggest festival of Roundnet ever.

The objective will be to crown the Greatest Roundnet Nation. Each National Governing Body can select a national squad to represent their country on the world stage. Games won will contribute to their team score with the aim of crowning the greatest Roundnet nation!

We will be sending a full squad of men's, women's and co-ed teams and you could be part of it!

Read on to learn about how to earn points and build your resume for World's.

Player Points

When you compete in an official Roundnet Tournament you can earn points. Both you and your teammate earn the same amount of points based on the placing you achieve in the tournament.

The higher you place, the more points you'll win. Plus, the more teams in the tournament, the more points up for grabs and as of 2023 the more top 24 players in the tournament the more points are up for grabs.

Each player has their own points so you can go on to play with the same teammate next time or compete with another teammate at your next tournament.

For more details download the official Points & National Rankings 2023.

Official Points and Rankings 2023

National Rankings

To become a nationally ranked player you'll first need to become a member of the Australian Roundnet Association.

At any point in time, the sum of your highest four scores determine your total points and therefore your ranking.

Six months after you earned your points the start reducing in value on a daily basis. Two years after you earned your points the points have no value. So you need to keep competing to stay on top!

To be ranked on the Australian Roundnet National Rankings one of the three scores contributing to a player's total must have been from a tournament based in Australia.

Qualification for World's 2024

The Points, Rankings & National Selection Committee has been tasked with selecting the Australian team.

The committee will use the Australian Roundnet National Rankings and performance at recent Australian and international tournaments as part of their selection criteria.

As team members will not only represent the Australian Roundnet Association but Australia as a nation, player conduct on and off the field is also taken into consideration.

Read more below to see the timeline of invitations for player selection.

Timeline for National Squad Selection

The Australian Roundnet Association’s Points, Rankings and National Selection committee (hereafter the Committee) are excited to announce the process and timeline of selecting the team for the 2024 Roundnet World Championship (RWC24).

The RWC24 is being held in London from 28 Aug – 1 Sep. The Australian Squad will consist of a minimum 20 players – 10 women and 10 men. Additional players may be invited at the discretion of the committee and national squad. Further information about the event can be found here.


Saturday 23rd - Australian Roundnet National Championship - Men’s & Women’s Division.

Sunday 24th – Australian Roundnet National Championship - Mixed Division

Monday 25th – The Committee meet to select team

Tuesday 26th – At 9am, first round offers will be sent, via email, to 10 men and 10 women.  Acceptance or rejection of this offer will be expected within 36 hours (by 9pm on Wednesday 27th March).

Thursday 28th – At 6pm, if needed, second round offers will be sent. Acceptance or rejection of this offer will be expected within 40 hours (by 10am Saturday 30th). 

Saturday 30th – At 3pm, any final round offers will be sent. Acceptance or rejection of this offer will be expected within 30 hours (by 9pm on Sunday 31st)


Monday 1st – The team will be announced online at 9am. Within 2 weeks of this announcement, the squad will meet online to consider team structure, and if any additional players are required. Further offers may be made as a result of this meeting.

Selection Criteria:

The Committee will consider several factors when choosing the players who will receive an invitation to represent Australia. The National Rankings (below) will factor strongly into this consideration, however a place in the top 10 will not guarantee a spot on the Australian squad. Other considerations will include recent form, character of a player to represent the ARA, team pairings and player impact on the longevity of the sport within the local and national community. 

If you believe you will be in contention to receive an invitation to join the Australian team, and would seriously consider accepting such an invitation, please visit this link (men) or this link (women) to register your expression of interest.


An individual's Series Ranking is based on the top four scores achieved by that player (in any team) within the 2023/24 Series. Points begin to depreciate in value after 6 months (0.18% per day) until they lose all their value after 24 months.

If you have any questions about your ranking, please feel free to reach us via the Get In Touch page.


An individual's Series Ranking is based on the top four scores achieved by that player (in any team) within the 2023/24 Series. Points begin to depreciate in value after 6 months (0.18% per day) until they lose all their value after 24 months.

If you have any questions about your ranking, please feel free to reach us via the Get In Touch page.

The Australian Roundnet National Championships

March 23rd-24th, 2024

Glenferrie Oval, Hawthorn, VIC